Ticketing systems suitable for:-
Any type of park management such as Public parks, Indoor parks, Special activity parks.
Indoor amusement centres, Muziums, Show arenas
Children's playground indoor or outdoor.
Transportation types such as buses.
Efficient and fast issue of entry tickets for visitors hence saving on staff costs.
Easy to track daily sales and tighter control over payment collections.
Better control over visitor's entry to premise using automated ticket scanning process
like turnstiles or flab barriers.
Upgrade the overall image of your organization's business.
Automated sales report to owners daily or even on hourly basis.
Print entry tickets on simple thermal paper - low cost solution.
Print on special pre-printed stationary - used as souvenirs or as book markers.
Print on wrist bands.
Can track sales by agents and auto calculate and pay their commission.
Can be a stand alone terminal or networked with multiple terminals.
Can integrate all sales data back to head office for management reporting.
Can integrate directly to Cloud based Online Ticketing System.
Can integrate to entry turnstile or flab barrier systems via QR ticket scanning process.
Can set many types of fares for example - adult fare, child fare, group fare or even packaged tour fare.
Can select to print individual tickets in groups purchases or just print one ticket for whole group.
Can modify different ticket formats based on your design.
Able to help you track the volume of business each Tour Company is bringing to your shop monthly and annually.
Able to allow you to track the types of visitors by race or even countries if you want to.
Helps you manage your daily cash receipts.
Know from which type of tickets your profit comes from.
Detailed and summarized management reports to assist you in your business.